Market and Trading overviews for the Cement Industry

Mr. Joao Sobrinho and Mrs. Carolina Pereira, Business Analysts at CW Group, will be presenting “Global Cement Markets Outlook” and “Sea-based cementitious trade”  at the Slag & AshTrade Europe 2019 Conference and exhibition to be held on March 28-29 in Madrid, Spain at NH Paseo de Habana hotel.

Mr. Sobrinho’s presentation "Global Cement Markets Outlook" features CW Group main findings of their soon to be released Global Cement Volume Forecast Report (Short update). This presentation will provide insights regarding global and regional outlooks, as well as a perspective on the world’s current cement consumption, production, net-trade and cement production capacity.

Mrs. Pereira will be speaking about “Sea-Based Cementitious Trade”. This presentation features CW Group main findings of their recently released World Cement, Clinker & Slag Sea-Based Trade Report and will include an overview of trade flows, pricing, trading infrastructure required for this specialized dry bulk cargo shipping sector. 

Joao is responsible for qualitative and quantitative research covering industries and markets such as cement, paper, coal and chemicals and Carolina interprets, evaluates and correlates quantitative and qualitative information, and researches industries and markets regarding building materials and heavy industrial sectors.

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Carolina Pereira